Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Tips for Stopping Bad Breath from your Family Dentist

Bad BreathIf you have bad breath, your family dentist can help. Bad breath is a common problem that can impact people of all ages. Whether you are healthy and in shape, or sick, you can be plagued with stale or foul smelling breath. Gum, mints, and mouthwash are common ways to freshen your breath and mask the smell, but they don't solve the root of the issue.

Halitosis (severe bad breath) can impact people to such a degree that it hurts self-confidence and makes them embarrassed to speak to people in general or in a confined area like a car. Even children can suffer from halitosis, making teenage years even more difficult than they already are.

As a family dentist, we treat patients of all ages and have multiple ways to treat bad breath and help your family to stay in optimal oral health.  Follow these tips to improve your breath now and in the long run.

Stop smoking. If you are a smoker, plaque is being deposited onto your tongue, gums, and teeth. This increases your risk of cavities and gum disease along with bad breath.  Stop smoking to instantly improve your breath.

Avoid garlic and other strong foods. There are certain foods that will leave a lingering smell in your mouth for the entire day, garlic is one of them.  If you notice that your breath is particularly bad after eating a certain dish, adjust your eating habits by removing that ingredient from the recipe.

Brush after meals. Instead of brushing twice a day, brush after every meal.  Use a soft toothbrush and be gentle so as not to irritate your gums. Even light, quick brushing can help to remove bad breath caused by the food you just ate. Brush regularly before bed and when waking up in the morning.

Floss your teeth. Food particles, bacteria, and plaque can build up in between your teeth and along your gum line. These are more difficult to remove with brushing alone and are often left to sit inside of your mouth for weeks, or however long it takes to floss again.  When you do floss, you may notice a terrible smell on your floss and fingers. That is a sign that you are not flossing enough. Do this every day.

Use an antiseptic mouthwash. Rinse your mouth at least once a day with an antiseptic mouthwash. This will kill lingering bacteria that can cause a smell or infection.

Scrape your tongue. Bacteria can linger on your tongue, and a toothbrush is often unable to remove all of it. This can directly cause bad breath so use a tongue scraper once a day to remove bacteria and the smell.

Drink water. Stay hydrated so that your body produces enough saliva to keep your mouth moist and to wash away bacteria.

Visit the dentist. It is important that you see your family dentist at least twice a year for teeth cleanings and checkups. We can remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria from your teeth and gums so that you stay healthy, avoid gum disease, and tooth decay.

Follow these tips and schedule your teeth cleaning in order to prevent bad breath so that you can speak with confidence.


Friday, 1 April 2016

Ouch! If You Have Tooth Pain Call an Emergency Dentist

Emergency DentistYou never know when you will need an emergency dentist. A dental emergency, as with any health emergency can strike at any time and without warning. For some people, they will feel a moderate level of pain that all of a sudden escalates into unbearable tooth pain. For others, they need an emergency dentist after being in an accident. Regardless of when or why you need a dentist, we are available to help.

Two common reasons for needing an emergency dentist are injuring a tooth while playing sports or getting into an accident. According to the American Dental Association, the majority of adult tooth injuries are due to playing sports. Most adults don't have the time to play in an organized league so the likelihood of your tooth getting injured during a neighborhood game of basketball is actually fairly high. You can reduce your risk by keeping your teeth healthy in the first place or wearing a mouth guard while you play.

If your tooth was injured in a car accident or on the job, there typically isn't much you can do to prevent it. Scheduling regular dental exams and teeth cleanings will help your teeth to be healthy enough to withstand damage but there is no guarantee that your tooth won't become cracked, chipped, or even fall out during an accident. If this happens to you after business hours or on the weekend, you need to call a 24-hour dentist.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that the emergency room staff can treat tooth injuries. They can't and don't because they are trained in how to treat the rest of your body, but not in how to treat your teeth. This is why you need to visit a doctor of dentistry, not just a medical doctor. In fact, if you go to the ER, they will direct you to an emergency dentist instead.As a 24-hour dentist, you can call us at any time day or night.

We can provide the immediate relief you need when the pain becomes unbearable or restore your tooth after an accident. If your tooth has fallen out it is extremely important to see a dentist right away because we may be able to save it. Waiting until the morning is not an option when you are trying to do so. Instead, find your tooth, rinse it off and put it into a glass of milk. Once you get to our office, we will see if the tooth can be saved. If not, we will make other recommendations for replacing it such as installing a dental bridge or dental implants.

Likewise, if your tooth is in major pain, you can call our dentist office. We will examine your mouth and determine the reason you are experiencing pain before making treatment recommendations. By restoring your damaged tooth or treating an infection, we can correct your dental problems and help you to feel better in no time.
