In our comfortable Old Town Dentist offices, we treat patients with a variety of oral health issues, including a dental abscess. We recommend that patients have their teeth cleaned and a full dental exam twice a year. This allows us to remove bacteria and plaque that form on the teeth and gums before they have a chance to create a cavity or cause gum disease. When patients are seen infrequently, it gives bacteria and infections the opportunity to spread and this can eventually lead to the formation of a dental abscess. The smaller the cavity, the easier it is for us to treat before it can expand or lead to additional pain and discomfort.
A dental abscess is a tooth infection that spreads into the gums and bone structure. It can even spread into the neck. It is important to understand that an abscess is an infection, which will continue to spread and cause increasing amounts of pain until it either bursts on its own or is treated under the medical supervision of a dentist’s office.
An abscess starts as a small and seemingly insignificant infection, likely a cavity. If a patient has a dental exam upon feeling the first signs of discomfort, the infection won’t have the opportunity to spread and form an abscess in the first place. This is the best way to avoid experiencing a lot of pain.
If you have any of these symptoms call Old Town Dentist and schedule an appointment immediately:
- Tooth pain.
- Swollen, painful, or bleeding gums.
- Red swollen face and neck.
- An area of your mouth or jaw that is sensitive to the touch.
- Flu like symptoms that are accompanying mouth pain.
- Puss inside of your mouth.
These can all be signs of a severe tooth infection or dental abscess that require immediate treatment.
During the dental examination, we will look for the area where the infection is coming from. This could be deep inside of the tooth, requiring a dental x-ray, or more obvious and close to the surface. If the abscess is drainable, this is typically the first step in removing the infection. The spot can be cut open, and puss drained out, then followed up with antibiotics and further dental treatments. When the infection has settled into the neck or floor of the mouth, dental surgery may need to be performed in order to drain it. We will prescribe pain medication as needed to help patients feel less discomfort during and after the process.
Once the infection is drained, it is important to identify any other infected areas within the mouth. Since an abscess starts as a small infection, it is unwise to let even the smallest cavity remain. Whether in one sitting or a follow up appointment, we will remove any other cavities, perform root canals as necessary, and deep clean the gums in order to remove bacteria and infection. This is extremely important for a persons’ long term oral health.
At Old Town Dentist, we help patients suffering from oral infections but prefer to help patients avoid them in the first place. Rather than waiting for an infection to spread and cause pain, we want to remove the infection early so that our patients can live life fully and without interruption. Call and schedule your dental exam today so that we can keep you on track for good oral health.