As a local dentist, we help patients to stay in the best possible oral health. Regular dental examinations and at home preventative care are essential for staying healthy. While, at home, you should brush your teeth after meals, floss, and use an antiseptic mouthwash daily. When you visit our office we can clean your teeth and gums to remove bacteria and plaque that has built up over time. This will prevent cavities and gum disease. We can also look for signs of oral cancer so that if present, you can receive treatments quickly.
Men are at greater risk of oral cancer than women and once a man turns fifty he is at the greatest risk of all. The American Cancer Society reported that over 35,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year within the United States. This is a significant number when you consider how little the disease is talked about. Most people are unaware that this is a common disease and are unsure of what symptoms to watch for.
As a local dentist, we try to educate and inform our patients so that they can watch for signs of oral cancer and schedule appointments quickly if they see something to be concerned about. There are several signs you can watch for at home including: difficulty swallowing, pain when swallowing, rough patches inside of your mouth, bumps, lumps, sores that won’t heal, and bleeding. This can all indicate that something is wrong and that you potentially have oral cancer.
A visit to the dentist is the first step in seeing if the symptoms you are experiencing are cancerous or if they are related to other oral health issues such as gum disease. For example, gum disease can also make your gums bleed and cause pain. During your dental examination, we will inspect your teeth, gums, and mouth to identify any potential oral health issues that you are experiencing. If something is identified that appears to be cancerous, you will likely be referred to an oral surgeon so that they can remove a piece of tissue to be tested in the lab.
There are things you can do at home to prevent oral cancer, including:
- Stop chewing tobacco. Smokeless tobacco products are extremely dangerous for your health. People that chew tobacco, snuff, or dip are sixty times more likely to get oral cancer. The increase is staggering. If you are chewing do whatever you can to quit in order to stay healthy.
- Smoking. People that smoke cigarettes or cigars have a six times greater chance of being diagnosed with oral cancer.
- Drinking too much. Drinking alcohol in excess is dangerous for your liver and your mouth. People that drink too much have a six times greater chance (the same as if they smoked) of getting oral cancer. Studies are unclear as to what is considered excessive but many doctors agree that over two drinks a day is too much.
If you are worried about your oral health, or want to make sure that you continue to stay healthy, schedule an appointment with our local dentist office. We will examine your teeth, gums, and mouth to ensure that you are in good health and stay that way.